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How sleep affects your microbiome

We’ve known for a long time that there is a deep connection between sleep and our health. Having a full night’s rest can work wonders for our sense of well-being, our physical and cognitive abilities, our appetite and more. In the same vein, not having a full night’s sleep can wreak havoc on our performance at work, our relationships with our friends and families and our tiredness shows almost immediately in our faces. Being sleep deprived long term has been associated with a long list of health conditions. More recently, scientists begun to unlock the relationship between sleep and our gut health – a very important part of the immune system that protects us against illness and disease. Having poor...

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Anti-Aging and Probiotics

You may have heard about all the benefits of probiotics in health and lifestyle magazines, and for good reason. Probiotics are active bacteria and yeasts that promote healthy bodily functions - functions that are necessary for life such as regulating our metabolism and digestion, nutrient absorption and more. We usually think of bacteria as something that causes illness and disease, but your body is full of bacteria, both good and bad. Probiotics are often called "good" or "helpful" bacteria because they help keep your gut healthy. In short, without them, we would cease to exist rather quickly. Having an imbalance of healthy gut bacteria has been linked to a series of chronic diseases, both physical and emotional, that can lead...

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3 Natural Ways to Protect Sensitive Skin

Sensitive skin can be a chronic issue that millions of Americans suffer with for years of their lives. Sensitive skin can be painful, and uncomfortable both physically and emotionally. Sufferers mention rashes, painful reactions to cosmetics, flaking, acne and other issues as common discomforts they must deal with every day. While the outward appearance of these symptoms can be embarrassing, they can be treated over time with some natural remedies. Here are three natural ways to protect sensitive skin. Avoid products with chemicals Read the labels very carefully on any soaps, moisturizers or products you apply directly onto the skin. Not only does the skin absorb the contents of these products, but many anti-bacterial products dry out the skin further,...

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